Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Dear Lumosity.com

Hello! I am Sheila. I am 44 today, saw your email promo, wanted to join, BUT...there was a major problem, to be explained and/or commented on etc. I struggled through from age 30 to 38 to obtain my B.A, although my IQ is around 156. I am disabled with Bipolar Disorder, PTSD, ADHD, narcolepsy, carpal tunnel syndrome and a bad back. I may have learning difficulties not yet identified. I have always strived for mastery when learning, because there is no "easy C." It's either bust a gut trying for an A or I fail. I couldn't take 15 credits per quarter like other adults who also had jobs, families and children. I had to take 10, that's only 2 classes, and all I did was study and sleep for the most part. I am: a)not as sharp as I used to be, b)taking a lot of meds, c)cut off from Mensa for lack of transportation and don't get mental stimulation other than reading and the internet. I am an artist and a creative writer, but not successful yet. I am 99% disabled and on a small, fixed income...NOW I go into the heart of my topic, with all this above background information out of the way. I wanted to sign up for your program and was excited about it, BUT your 2-yr, special offer $3.49/mo is billed ANNUALY! OMG! I was hoping so much to enjoy your site and improve my mental health and cognitive abilities as I begin to age, plus just plain have fun, BUT I thought and was hoping that you automatically billed by the MONTH!!
Even I could afford that, but with relatively high non-covered medical costs. I am on Social Security. My prescriber is not being paid fairly by Medicare and my life is in his hands, good hands, so I must retain him at ANY cost! This month I will offer a $60 co-pay, so afraid it will no be enough even though a sacrifice on the altar of Mental Health and Continued Well-being. I pay $90/mo for medication co-pays plus a non-covered (Medicare D) medicine of $50/mo, and my essential $40/month therapist (through a charity). This is 22.8% of my monthly income of $788. If one counts my 3 ADA companion animals' monthly non-vet upkeep of $35, my medical costs become a whopping 27.3% of my monthly income. My medications prescriber may need a much higher payment than I am going to offer, and he is the only one around, the only prescriber I can trust as the wrong medications can literally destroy my life while cookie-cutter lithium and other deadly sins are perpetrated against me by harried and jaded Medicare-only ARNP prescribing nurses. I will keep him at ANY cost. It is imperative that I not lose him.
I am in low-income housing; this is towards explanation as to how I can even afford to pay my rent, have a phone and internet and a used computer.
I have given up cable TV to save money, heat only the bedroom and wear a jacket in my kitchen/front room area because it gets cold. I eat little meat so I can afford nutritious vegetables, fresh or frozen. Canned veg's have ZERO nutrive value unless one counts a good dose of sodium. I have a 40-lb bicycle and no car or motorized transportation.
To conclude, I can't afford you due to the manner in which you are asking, a lump-sum subscription, but COULD and WOULD afford you on a yearly or 2 year month-by-month billing plan to pay out my $83.97, or perhaps a litle more, but CANNOT afford either the lump-sum with the gift discount nor the $14.95/month. What can you do for me?
PS: No, I do not receive native American or tribal aid, though I am 1/16th Cherokee, positively though unofficially verified but not documented. 1906 was a long time ago.Thank you, have a wonderful day. A copy of this letter is going into my blog, FROG IN A BLENDER at :http://cybergeist-journalist.blogspot.com

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